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How to configure Rehook to work with different React frameworks.

Create configuration file

Begin by creating a file named rehook.config.ts in your project. This is where you will house your configuration.

Here's the structure I typically follow:

├── src
│   ├── hooks
│        ├── ...
├── rehook.config.ts
└── ... 
    • use-history.ts
    • use-local-storage.ts
  • rehook.config.ts
  • Copy & paste

    Copy & paste the configuration below:

    // rehook.config.ts
    export const VITE_DEFAULT_ENV_VARS = ['BASE_URL', 'NODE', 'MODE', 'DEV', 'PROD', 'SSR']
    export const NEXT_DEFAULT_ENV_VARS = ['NODE_ENV', 'TZ']
    type RehookConfig = {
        framework: 'VITE' | 'NEXT'
        ignoreDefaultEnv: boolean
    export const rehookConfig: RehookConfig = {
        framework: 'VITE' // or NEXT,
        ignoreDefaultEnv: true, // This is for useEnv hook

    That's it !